
Summary of Upcoming LCE Standard

The IAASB has now issued its proposed standard on less complex entities (ED-ISA for LCE) for feedback. A standard around LCE’s is long overdue, and their proposal comes with the hope of easing unnecessary requirements placed on auditors. The standard is expected to come into effect around 2024 and should be a game-changer for the […]

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Good news for less complex entity audits

Following on from the IAASB discussion paper on the audit of Less Complex Entities (that we have previously discussed), the IAASB recently released some good news – a new single standard is being developed for these entities. The IAASB Glossary defines these as entities which typically possesses qualitative characteristics such as: a. Concentration of ownership […]

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Australian Auditing Plans

Our current Australia-specific content includes: More content is being released. We provide help for onboarding, client migration and setup, training modules, and ongoing review to ensure firms are using the templates well. We also specialise in working with our clients to make custom content specifically for their firm approach, and even reseller accounts for similar […]

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Is this document real? Ensuring digital security and authenticity of PDFs

With remote and paperless auditing becoming much more common, a number of threats and opportunities arise. This article considers the use of Adobe DC Pro as both a great tool for authenticating and securing documents for signing, and also how it can be used maliciously to tamper with PDFs. How safe are PDFs? Many auditors […]

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Service Performance Reporting for Larger Charities

Larger charities are becoming seriously focused on preparing service information in a way that is meaningful, compliant with the standards, and able to be audited without too much drama. It is important that charities see this task, not as an onerous burden but as a positive experience that enables them to tell their wider story. […]

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How to access Help and Support

When help or support is needed first use the “help” icon from within Audit Assistant (bottom right of the screen): This connects to relevant articles from our support hub. Includes a contextual search function with a number of suggestions. If the suggestions are not suitable, use the search bar to access all the content on […]

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How can we help you grow your audit practice?

We want to proactively assist our users to become more equipped, skilled, efficient and profitable. Here are some ideas: Have us assess your practice We often find that firms that are struggling with their documentation and staying current benefit hugely by having us look through the kind of work they do, having a conversation around problems […]

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How to survive a practice review

To help our users prepare for their next review – to get the proverbial ducks in a row – I requested the CAANZ NZ auditor oversight team to provide a list of the main issues encountered in their review work with audit firms.  They were kind enough to send me notes from a recent presentation […]

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What story does your audit file tell?

As I’m reviewing audit files I like to feel as if I’m reading a thriller, or at least a mystery story. The introduction sets the scene, including the characters and their world. Then we start to see the stakes – what is at risk? What do the characters want? What dangers are there that our […]

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